Pet Care Advice & Tips

What happens at a pet wellness exam?

What happens at a pet wellness exam?

Taking your pet in for annual exams is the best way to prevent and identify a variety of health issues. In this article, our Simi Valley vets discuss what you can expect when you bring your pet in for a wellness exam.

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Questions for Vets to Make the Most Out of Your Pet's Routine Exam

Questions for Vets to Make the Most Out of Your Pet's Routine Exam

It is always best to go into your pet's veterinary appointment prepared, knowing exactly what you want to ask your vet. This will ensure that you get the information you need to keep your pet happy and healthy. Our Simi Valley vets have listed some sample questions that you should ask your veterinarian and explain why they are important.

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Can a vaccinated dog get rabies?

Can a vaccinated dog get rabies?

While you may have already vaccinated your dog against rabies, there remains a slight chance of infection. Our Simi Valley vets discuss the possibility of your dog contracting rabies even after vaccination.

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Heartworm Disease Prevention & Treatment in Dogs

Heartworm Disease Prevention & Treatment in Dogs

If a mosquito becomes infected by heartworm then bites your dog, the parasite can be transmitted and live in your dog's lungs, heart and blood vessels. Our vets in Simi Valley explain how heartworm in dogs is prevented and treated. 

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Should I get my dog microchipped?

Should I get my dog microchipped?

Microchipping your dog can increase the chances that they are found if they get lost. Our Simi Valley vets discuss the benefits of getting a microchip for your dog.

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Senior Pet Health & The Importance of Regular Wellness Exams

Senior Pet Health & The Importance of Regular Wellness Exams

As our pets age, their health needs change and it becomes increasingly important to prioritize their well-being. Today, our Simi Valley vets discuss the importance or regularly scheduled wellness exams for senior pets.

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Should I get my cat microchipped?

Should I get my cat microchipped?

Learn more from our Simi Valley veterinarians about the benefits of microchipping a cat, which increases the likelihood of finding them if they become lost.

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My dog is dry heaving - what should I do?

My dog is dry heaving - what should I do?

Is your dog going through the motions and sounds of vomiting, but nothing is coming out? Here, our Simi Valley vets explain dry heaving in dogs, what may be causing your dog to dry heave, and what to do next. 

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What is the FVRCP vaccine for cats?

What is the FVRCP vaccine for cats?

Our veterinarians at Park Animal Hospital believe that the best way to help your cat live a long and healthy life is to prevent illness. Our Simi Valley veterinarians advise that all cats get the FVRCP vaccine. The FVRCP protects your cat's health in the following ways.

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Why won't my cat drink water?

Why won't my cat drink water?

It can be quite concerning for cat owners when they notice their pet has stopped drinking water. Today, our Simi Valley vets discuss what you can do for your cat if they won't drink water.

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